What Did Amy Foster's Father Do to Bring Disgrace on the Family?

Family Vocabulary

It's important to learn a good range of family vocabulary as there's a high chance you'll get questions about your family in Part 1 of the IELTS Speaking test.

The topic could as well come up in Parts 2 and 3 besides as beingness the subject of the Writing, Listening or Reading tests.

Here are a few things you could be asked about:

  • Facts about your family unit
  • Details of family relationships
  • Family unit activities & celebrations
  • A family unit member you admire
  • Changes in family roles
  • The generation gap
  • Parental responsibility
  • The future of the family

This page includes over 100 common words and phrases related to the family unit. I've added an explanation for each one and a sample sentence to prove it in context where needed. This will help you to learn how to employ this family vocabulary correctly.

Don't effort to learn them all. Wait at my suggestions below every bit to the best manner to use this list.

4 generations of the same family.

To ensure that you're well prepared to reply whatever family-related question, I've included four things here:

  • IELTS-way questions on the topic of the family
  • Sample answers
  • A listing of common family vocabulary with definitions & sample sentences
  • Links to online reading and listening resources

Yous'll find PDF downloads of both the questions and sample answers and the family vocabulary list at the bottom of the respective sections.

The questions chronicle to the Speaking test because this part of the test offers the broadest range of possible questions on this topic. They give the best opportunity for me to demonstrate the vocabulary and for y'all to practise using it.

I've included IELTS-way questions and answers for all three parts of the Speaking test. I've highlighted keywords and phrases inbold.

You'll find these words and phrases, and many others, in the vocabulary listing beneath. The list also includes the explanations and sample sentences and there'southward an audio to mind to the pronunciation.

The vocabulary list contains words and phrases relevant to all parts of the IELTS exam.

Finally, at the bottom of the page, I've added links to topical articles, short videos and podcasts that volition help you to improve both your family vocabulary and your reading and listening skills.

IELTS-Fashion Speaking Test Questions and Answers

Common family vocabulary is highlighted in assuming .

Part 1

1) How many people are in that location in your immediate family?

Four people make up my immediate family – my dad, my sister and my two bothers . They all live close to me except for my youngest brother who moved away considering of his work.

ii) Practise you get forth well with your family?

Most definitely. I used to argue with my brothers and sister a lot when we were. Information technology was sibling rivalry I guess only nosotros get on actually well at present.

3) Which member of your family are you closest to?

I'd have to say my sis but we're a close-knit family and we all get along but great.

4) How much time do you spend with your family unit?

We used to go to my parent'due south firm for Sunday tea every few weeks but since my mother died, my oldest brother , my sister and I have turns to spend time supporting our father . This means that we don't all get together so frequently. Even so, we still take family gatherings on special occasions.

v) When did y'all last have a family party?

Just a few weeks ago. It was for my father's birthday. We had a get-together at his business firm and we all took along cakes and snacks to share.

A happy sister and brother.

Part 2

Draw a family commemoration that you attended.

You should say:

  • where this celebration was held
  • why it was held
  • what you did at the event

and explain what y'all enjoyed virtually the celebration.

1 of the virtually memorable family events of recent years was my father'south eightythursday altogether. We wanted to accept a special celebration for him but decided to keep it a secret so equally to surprise him on the day.

My youngest blood brother , who lives two and a half hours drive away from the rest of my immediate family , told Dad that he'd come down with his family so we could all exit for a meal together. What we actually did was to invite members of our extended family to come every bit well without my father knowing. Most of them alive a long way away, like in London or Scotland, then we don't see them very often. They came downwards the day before and stayed in local hotels.

There was a lot to conform and it was hard to sort everything without Dad guessing what we were upwardly to. There were several times when I thought he must know something was going on but was only playing along and pretending he didn't.

We booked a table at a local restaurant and on the day, my sister decorated it with balloons and other political party bits and pieces. It looked amazing. It was a very long table every bit in the terminate at that place were more than than twenty family members at the repast. So, as well as my parents and my siblings , at that place were likewise nieces , nephews , aunts , uncles and cousins . I think information technology was probably the biggest family gathering nosotros'd ever had.

Nosotros bundled for Dad and Mum to be the concluding to arrive then that everyone else could exist seated at the table waiting for them. I'll never forget Dad's confront when he walked into the restaurant. He hadn't guessed what nosotros were arranging and it was a real surprise to him to see everyone there.

We had a lovely meal together just the all-time thing was spending time with all our relatives . It made me realize what a shut-knit family we are even though we don't run across each other very often. I recall that Dad enjoyed information technology also and I hope it showed him how much he means to our whole family unit .

A family go-together to celebrate a birthday.

Function 3

ane) In what ways can people in a family unit be similar to each other?

Both immediate and extended family unit members ofttimes take a lot of similarities. For case, they can wait akin . My brother Steve is the spitting image of our cousin Peter, while my sis takes after our mother in the way she both looks and talks.

Also, relatives may be skilful at the same things or exercise similar types of work. Most of my extended family are either teachers or scientists.

Specific interests often run in the family . In my family unit , we all love the outdoors and nature, specially the older generation . Younger family members do like to go out walking as well just now that my nieces and nephews are all teenagers , they spend a lot of fourth dimension on their electronic gadgets.

The last way that people in a family unit tin be akin is in their personality, and especially in their sense of humour.

ii) In terms of personality, are people influenced more by their family or past their friends?

In my opinion, personality is generally hereditary . I think that the main traits of a person's character are passed down from parents to their offspring . Some people are more like their father , others more like their mother but virtually of u.s. tin recognise characteristics of both parents in our ain personality. For instance, I'm tranquillity similar my dad and have my mum's creativity.

How children are raised also affects the way they think, feel and comport as they abound upwardly. Kids from a happy, stable family unit background generally accept a normal personality. Notwithstanding, an unhappy childhood , which may include some form of corruption, will definitely affect a kid's mental development and their character later in life.

This suggests that personality can change so it'south probably true that the people we spend time with every bit friends and colleagues as well influence the way we think, feel and carry. Even so, I don't think that they alter our deepest character.

And then in determination, I'd say that an agreement of personality is quite complex and involves both hereditary and social factors.

iii) How has the function of elderly people in the family unit inverse in recent times?

In the by, the older generation was highly respected in almost cultures. They were considered to exist wise because of all the things they'd learnt in their long lives. Elderly family members would have been family leaders, teachers and spiritual guides to the younger generation . They helped to maintain the structure and stability of the family .

I of their about of import roles was to pass on the old traditions and to maintain traditional culture. The other vital job they did, particularly the grandmothers , was to provide childcare for their grandchildren . They would certainly take played an important role in their upbringing .

In my state, most of this inverse when it became normal for adult children to move abroad to study and go improve jobs. Family unit ties are no longer then strong and elderly people aren't respected equally they once were. Grandparents aren't the people we usually go to for advice these days. To be honest, many elderly people don't take a significant role in most families any more than. Yet, many do still await after the grandchildren if they live close to them.

An extended Indian family unit enjoying a day out together.

Click this link to become a PDF download of these practise questions & sample answers.

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Family Vocabulary

* Important

  • Practicenot effort and larn this list of family unit vocabulary.
  • Identify the vocabulary you observe useful for answering do questions near the family unit.
  • Record these in your vocabulary notebook and practise using them regularly.

I recommend that you create your own answers to the Speaking questions on this page. You will find many other IELTS-way practice questions past searching online.

For help on how to learn vocabulary, what to learn and how to record it, visit these pages:

How to Larn Vocabulary for IELTS

Top 6 Types of IELTS Vocabulary & Topic Word Lists

Family Vocabulary – Common Words & Phrases

Family unit Vocabulary Gear up 1: Types of Family unit

family – a group of people who are related to each other

- Mohit was very nervous when he met his girlfriend's family for the starting time fourth dimension.

immediate family unit – your closest relations, such equally your parents, children, hubby or wife

- My immediate family are my dad, mum and two sisters.

nuclear family – parents and their children

- The boilerplate nuclear family in the US is made upward of parents and two children.

extended family – a family unit of measurement that includes grandmothers, grandfathers, aunts, and uncles, etc. in addition to parents and children

- I have a large extended family unit with many nieces, nephews and cousins.

dysfunctional family – a family that is non behaving or working normally, where there is conflict, misbehaviour, etc.

- Cynthia came from a dysfunctional family and could often be seen wandering the street on her own when she was young.

Family Vocabulary Pronunciation

Family Vocabulary Fix ii: Family Members - General Terms

family fellow member – someone who belongs to a specific family unit

- I have family members living all over the world.

to exist related to – to belong to the aforementioned family unit as

- I'g related to many people in my hamlet equally my family has lived here for generations.

a relative – someone who is role of your family

- We are going to visit relatives who live on the coast for our holiday this year.

claret relative – someone yous are related to through nascency rather than spousal relationship

- Aunty Sylvia is my blood relative but Uncle George, her husband, is only related to me by marriage.

afar relative – generally, a relative who is a third cousin or greater, or a great aunt or uncle, particularly when yous have lilliputian or no interest with him or her.

- A member of my family died last week but they were a distant relative and I didn't know them very well.

side by side of kin the person or group of people you are virtually closely related to

- When you apply for a passport, you lot have to name your next of kin in instance there is an emergency while you are abroad travelling.

descendants – a person who is related to you lot and who lives after you, such as your child or grandchild, and all hereafter generations

ancestors – family unit members from by generations

- I'thousand writing my autobiography so that my descendants will know what life was like for one of their ancestors.

household all the people who live in one business firm

- There are at present but iii people in my household equally my older blood brother has gone away to university.

Family unit Vocabulary Pronunciation

Family Vocabulary Gear up three: Immediate family unit

father a human being in relation to his child or children

female parent a  woman in relation to her child or children

parent – male parent or mother

husband – the male person partner in a marriage; a hubby

wife – the female partner in a matrimony; a married woman

spouse a husband or wife

son – a person's male child child

daughter – a person's girl child

brother – a male person who has the same parents as another person

sister a female who has the same parents as another person

big brother / older brother (or sister) older than you lot

little sister / younger sister (or brother)younger than you lot

- I have ii younger sisters but I do wish I had an older blood brother.

sibling – a brother or sister

- I have three siblings , two brothers and a sister.

twin – either of ii children built-in to the aforementioned mother on the same occasion

- My sis has just given birth to twins, a boy and a girl.

identical twins twins who look exactly the same

- I accept an identical twin brother and fifty-fifty our parents find it difficult to tell u.s.a. apart.

an simply child – a child who doesn't have whatsoever brothers or sisters

- It can be solitary being an only child as you don't have siblings to play with.

Family unit Vocabulary Pronunciation

Family Vocabulary Fix four: Extended family unit

uncle – the brother of your mother or father

aunt – the sis of your female parent or father

nephew – the male child of your brother or sister

niece – the female child of your brother or sister

cousin – a kid of your uncle or aunt

grandparents the parents of your parents

grandfather the begetter of your mother or begetter

grandmother the female parent of your father or mother

grandchildren the children of your children

grandson the son of your son or daughter

granddaughter the daughter of your son or girl

Family Vocabulary Pronunciation

Family unit Vocabulary Set 5: In-laws

in-laws  – the relatives of your husband or wife

- When nosotros were starting time married, we couldn't afford a place of our own so lived with the in-laws.

mother in law – mother of your spouse

- Many people don't get on with their mother-in-law merely mine is really nice.

father-in-police – father of your spouse

- My father-in-law offered me a job in the family business organisation so he is also my boss.

son-in-police force the husband of your daughter

- I didn't similar Amir when I first met him but he'due south a bully son-in-law and helps me out whenever I demand it.

daughter-in-police force the married woman of your son

- We are very happy that our son has decided to marry Zehra and look forward to her becoming our daughter-in-police.

blood brother-in-law the husband of your sister

- My brother-in-police is lazy and not a very adept husband to my sister.

sister-in-law the wife of your brother

- I often aid my sister-in-law to look after my baby niece.

Family Vocabulary Pronunciation

Family Vocabulary Ready 6: Stepfamilies

step – in the context of family relationships, 'stride' means that you are related to the person because of i of your parents marries one of their parents

stepmother – the wife of your begetter, just not your biological mother

stepfather the husband of your mother, just non your biological father

stepson  the son of your new wife or married man, merely not your biological son

stepdaughter the daughter of your new wife or hubby, but not your biological daughter

stepsister the daughter of your stepmother or stepfather

stepbrother the son of your stepmother or stepfather

half-blood brother a brother you lot have but 1 parent in common with

half-sister a sister you have only 1 parent in common with

Family Vocabulary Pronunciation

Family unit Vocabulary Fix 7: Parenting

parent – a person's father or mother

- I'yard glad that my parents live shut past every bit information technology'due south easy to visit them.

motherhood the state of being a mother

- I'd like to have children i day but I'k not ready for motherhood yet.

fatherhood – the state of being a father

- Sakda is taking the responsibilities of fatherhood seriously and now only goes out drinking with his friends in one case a month.

to start a family – to have children

- Billy and I are planning to offset a family unit every bit soon as we get married.

to give birth – to have a baby

- It was a special moment in Cesar's life when he saw his wife giving birth to their first child.

offspring – a person's child or children

- My two sisters are coming over later with their offspring so the house is going to be very noisy.

family homo a human who enjoys beingness at habitation with his wife and children

- Deepak used to love partying but at present that he has kids he'south become a existent family unit homo.

family unit life the kind of life a person normally leads when they are married and have children

- My husband and I enjoy doing lots of activities with our children and we all accept a great family life together.

to raise (a child) – to take ​intendance of a child until they go an developed

- It's a large responsibility raising children but I love being a parent.

to bring up (a child) – to raise a child

- When Jae-min's husband died, she was left to bring up the children on her own.

upbringing the way in which you are treated and educated when young, especially by your parents

- I was fortunate to take a skillful upbringing just not all children have caring parents who look after them well and teach them the correct manner to acquit.

to support (a family) – to have enough coin to be able to look afterward a family

- Egor earned very depression wages and had to piece of work two jobs to support his family.

Family Vocabulary Pronunciation

breadwinner – the member of a family unit who earns most of the money that the family needs

- In many countries, men are expected to be the breadwinner in a family unit.

dependant someone who depends on you for fiscal support, such equally a kid or family member who does not piece of work

- I'one thousand working difficult to go a promotion and earn more coin at present that I'chiliad a husband and a begetter and have dependants who rely on me.

to adopt – to legally accept another person'southward kid into your own family and take care of them as your own child

- Paul and Siri were unable to have children of their own and decided to adopt a babe.

to foster to take care of someone else's child, usually for a limited time, without condign the kid's legal parent

- Even though I'1000 an just child, I always had other male child's and girl's to play with when I was growing upward every bit mum and dad oft used to foster other children.

over-protective parents – a parent who protect their child too much

- Overprotective parents can prevent their children from building confidence and independence.

spoilt child a kid who shows bad behaviour considering they accept been allowed to practice or accept anything they want

- I don't like playing with the daughter next door because she's a spoilt child and gets in a temper if I don't let her win all the games.

single parent a person bringing up a child or children without a partner

- My sister is a unmarried parent at present that her husband has left her.

stay at home parent / stay at home mum a parent who stays at home to take care of their children rather than going out to work

- These days, it's far more usual for men to be a stay-at-home parent than when I was young when it was always the mother who looked afterwards the kids.

to expect subsequently – to take intendance of

- I'm going to look later on my daughter's children on Sat while she has a day out with her friends.

childcare the care of children, peculiarly by a crèche, plant nursery or childminder while parents are working

- Childcare is a large problem for many working parents and they are lucky if their own parents can help out.

strict strongly limiting someone'due south freedom to behave as they wish, or probable to severely punish someone if they practice not obey

- My parents are verystrict with me and I have to stop all my homework before I'yard allowed to play or watch Tv.

authoritarian enervating that people obey completely and refusing to allow them the freedom to human activity as they wish

- My father was verydisciplinarian when I was growing upwards and I was terrified of him.

Family Vocabulary Pronunciation

Family Vocabulary Set 8: The Generations

generation – all the people of about the same age within a society or within a particular family unit

- It's hard to believe how much everyday life has inverse for my grandparent's generation.

older generation – people of middle-historic period and older

younger generation – young adults, teenagers and children

- The older generation are often stuck in their means, while the younger generation welcome change.

generation gap a departure of opinions between onegeneration and another regarding beliefs and attitudes, oftentimes leading to a lack of understanding between them

- It's a skilled pol who can span the generation gap.

teenager – a person aged between 13 and 19 years

- My lovely little boy turned into a rebellious monster when he was a teenager just at present he's a lovely beau.

adolescent – a young person who is developing into an developed

- Many adolescents develop emotional problems every bit they try to find their place in the earth.

Family Vocabulary Pronunciation

Family Vocabulary Ready 9: Other vocabulary

sibling rivalry the feeling of competitiveness that frequently exists between brothers and sisters

- There was huge sibling rivalry between my two brothers and they were always fighting merely they are the best of friends now that they're adults.

run in the family a mutual feature in a family; something which is passed from parents to children

- Artistic ability seems to run in the family unit.

hereditary passed from the genes of a parent to a child

- Diabetes is hereditary in our family unit so I make sure that I eat healthily and keep fit to lessen my chances of getting it.

babyhood – the time when someone is a kid

- Many children in the earth practise not accept a happy childhood.

family groundwork – the details of a person'southwardfamily regarding education, social condition, etc.

- Nosotros want our son to marry a girl from a good family background.

family gathering / family get-together – an informal consequence where family members meet up

- Nosotros're having a family become-together to gloat my mother'southward birthday.

shut-knit – involving groups of people in which anybody supports each other

- We're a close-knit family unit and know that we tin rely on each other when one of us needs help.

family unit ties – the sense of connection between family unit members

- Family ties aren't every bit potent as they used to exist in my country considering relatives oftentimes live many miles autonomously and even in different countries.

to care for – to provide the things someone needs, especially someone who is young, old, or sick

- In my country, sons and daughters are expected to treat their elderly parents.

a widow – a woman whose husband has died

- Her married man died young and she has been a widow for almost xxx years at present.

a widower – a man whose wife has died

- My female parent died last year then my male parent is now a widower.

to desert – to get out someone without help or in a hard situation and not come dorsum

- My father deserted us when I was young and my mother has brought me upward on her own.

Family Vocabulary Pronunciation

Family unit Vocabulary Set up x: Idioms

In that location are many idioms about the family merely I've called just a few that might evidence a useful addition to your family vocabulary. Choice but one or two to acquire and make sure that you know how to use them 100% or they won't make sense.

If you're unsure about them, give them a miss rather than risking sounding silly.

go on with / get along with to like someone and have a friendly relationship with them

- I used to fight with my siblings when we were young simply I get on with them really well at present that we're adults.

to fall out with / to take a falling out to accept a disagreement which ruins a relationship with that person

- I barbarous out with my sis when she started dating my fellow.

- The two brothers had a falling out over the broken toy.

on speaking terms – friendly enough to talk

- My parents had a large argument and are not on speaking terms at the moment.

to look akin – to look very similar to someone else

- My twin sister and I wait alike and people often call us by each other's names.

to take after (someone) – to be very similar to an older family member

- Mila was fantabulous at drawing. She took after her mother who was a famous creative person.

a chip off the sometime cake – the person is very like (in grapheme and personality) to one of their parents

- Sanjay is always cracking jokes, only like his begetter. He'south a real flake off the old cake.

to follow in someone's footsteps – to practice the aforementioned matter as someone else did previously, especially someone in your family

- I desire to follow in my male parent'southward footsteps and become a doctor like he is.

spitting image  – to look extremely similar to someone

- Cher is the spitting image of her mother.

wears the trousers – to be the person in a family who holds the authority and makes decisions

- My dad likes to thinks that he'south in charge just information technology's my mother who wears the trousers in our house.

black sheep (of the family) someone who brings shame to their family past being unlike or doing something incorrect

- My brother first started getting into trouble with the law when he was a teenager and he'due south become the black sheep of the family.

Family Vocabulary Pronunciation

Click this link to become a PDF download of this list of family vocabulary.

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Ways to Improve Your Family Vocabulary

1 of the best ways to ameliorate your family vocabulary is through reading. Watching topic related YouTube videos and listening to podcasts is likewise hugely beneficial.

Here are some online resources I recommend.

Articles About the Family

Australian Institute of Family Studies

Raising Children – The Australian Parenting Website

The Independent - Family

The New York Times - Family

TED Talks

I love TED Talks. They are curt videos with a powerful bulletin and are generally very interesting. They're ideal for improving your vocabulary and give valuable listening skills practice.

Search TED Talks - The Family & TED Talks - Parenting to assistance you improve your family vocabulary.

All Topic Vocabulary

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Source: https://www.ieltsjacky.com/family-vocabulary.html

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