Where Does the Quest Start for Argus for a Horde Legion


In this mini guide, we're looking at how to answer the call to battle and reach Argus. The quest will be active once Patch 7.3 goes live.

Please note that this article contains spoilers.

An Introduction to Argus

"Sometimes the hand of fate must be forced…"

Downfall of the Deceiver had dire consequences. Argus is the original homeworld of the eredar, once described as a utopian world whose inhabitants were both vastly intelligent and highly gifted in magic. It has since been twisted by demonic, chaotic energies and has become the stronghold of the Burning Legion and is even referred to as Legion's homeworld. (Source).

Patch 7.3 is the biggest content patch ever introduced to the game. The Heroes of Azeroth will travel to Argus to put an end to Legion once and for all. From a gameplay perspective, the new planet contains three zones and their content is unlocked gradually as you complete the story line.

For the latest information about Patch 7.3, check out our Argus hub.

Argus Zones

The planet is comprised of three zones - Krokuun, Mac'Aree and Anthoras Wastes.


The first area to start the Argus experience is Krokuun. Green circles on the map indicate Invasion Points, golden icons are Lightforged Beacons used to teleport back to and from the Vindicaar. Argus has no flight points or paths and teleporting (traveling) is faster than on Azeroth. You can't teleport between different Lightforged Beacons, but you can teleport to any Lightforged Beacon aboard the Vindicaar. Lightforged Beacons for areas are unlocked through quests.


The Vindicaar

Before we proceed, it's important to talk about the Vindicaar. The vessel plays a huge role on Argus. It serves for transport for both factions and it's important to know what you can find aboard the ship. Every zone will have a separate Vindicaar and it seems we will be using it even in Antorus the Burning Throne raid to travel to the Seat of the Pantheon to fight Argus the Unmaker and imprison Sargeras.

Vindicaar Map

Below is a picture of the Vindicaar map. Important quest givers and turn-ins will always be marked with yellow question or exclamation marks on the map.

  • The Netherlight Crucible - a system to empower new and existing Relics can be found at 57, 71.
  • Vindicaar Matrix Core - "Warlords of Draenor" style zone perks for Argus can be found at 49, 44. Only one perk can be active at any given time.
    • Examples
  • The Navigation Console is at 42, 22. You right-click it and pick a Lightforged Beacon to teleport to.


Reaching the Vindicaar

After you unlock the Vindicaar you can use it to teleport back to Dalaran at any time and vice versa. A Lightforged Beacon will be available at Krasus Landing in Dalaran and a portal to Dalaran from the Vindicaar will unlock too, but if you're lost on Argus and need to find a Lightforged Beacon to transport you back to the Vindicaar, it's essentially faster to just use Dalaran HearthstoneDalaran Hearthstone and reach the Vindicaar from Krasus Landing in Dalaran.

This is how Krasus Landing in Dalaran looks like if you haven't unlocked the Lightfoged Beacon to the Vindicaar yet. The portal will appear to the left side of the High Vindicator when it becomes available.


Once you descend to Krokuun a portal will unlock that can be accessed at any time. If you want to get to Dalaran, the Vindicaar portal is at 40, 33.

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Argus Campaign

In this section, you will learn everything about how to get to Argus and unlock the campaign.

Getting to Argus

The first quest is an auto-accept, which means it will automatically appear in your quest log wherever you are. The Alliance has a different intro than the Horde, but after traveling to Argus, both factions will be completing the same quests.

Alliance Intro

  • The Hand of Fate (Alliance)
    • As an Alliance player, take the Dalaran portal to Stormwind and go to Stormwind Harbor to talk to Vereesa Windrunner (21, 30) and turn in the quest

alliance-hand-of-fate.jpg alliance-travel-to-stormwind-harbor.jpg

  • Two If By Sea (Alliance)
    • Accept the new quest and speak to Vereesa Windrunner. She will have a dialogue option to set sail for Exodar.

Horde Intro

  • The Hand of Fate (Horde)
    • As a Horde player, take the Dalaran portal to Orgrimmar and go to Bladefist Bay in Durotar to talk to Lady Liadrin on the Sunstrider (58, 12) and turn in the quest.


  • Two If By Sea
    • You learn that the Draenei crafted a vessel to take you to Argus safely. It's called the Vindicaar, your main transportation hub on Argus. Accept the quest from Lady Liadrin and set sail for Exodar. Turn in the quest by talking to Vindicator Boros on Azuremyst Isle (21, 55) once you arrive. Accept the next quest from him.
      • Aethas Sunreaver: I see the Alliance answered the call as well.

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Continuation for Both Factions

  • Light's Exodus (Alliance)
    • At this point, you will notice the Horde ship that will be just opposite yours and the quests will be the same too. Turn left and take down the path leading to Exodar and Prophet Velen simply by following Vindicator Boros and the rest of the crew (Vereesa & Arathor).
  • Light's Exodus (Horde)
    • Boros tells you to go to Exodar, where Velen and other Draenei gathered in the Vault of Lights. Turn left and follow him and the rest (Aethas and Liadrin) down the path to Exodar. Once you enter Exodar your movement speed will be increased by 60% ( Light of the ChosenLight of the Chosen) and Prophet Velen will speak to you.
      • Vidicator Boros: Come. I will show you to the Vault of Lights. The others await our arrival.
      • Lady Liadrin: Impressive. The Legion won't expect a force this strong.
      • Vinocator Boros: Argus is our ancestral home. We will not see it in the Legion's hands any longer.
      • High Vindicator says: prophet Velen is just ahead, champions.
      • Prophet Velen: Fellow draenei... champions of Azeroth... the time has come to invade Argus.
      • Prophet Velen: We will save our world and put a stop to the Burning Legion... once and for all.
      • Prophet Velen: Come, champion. Let the Light guide your path!
    • When you zone in, you will notice both Alliance & Horde leaders and Illidan talking to Velen.
      • Illidan Stormrage: The Legion grows desperate. We should strike now while their attention remains focused on Azeroth.
      • Prophet Velen: You are right, Illidan. This may be our best chance to gain the upper hand.
    • Talk to Velen to end the quest

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  • The Vindicaar
    • Accept the quest from Velen and board the Vindicaar that's now preparered for your assault. You must establish a beacon to transport you to the vessel.
      • Prophet Velen: Lend me your strength, champion. We will open the way together.
    • Right-click the Light Crystal to activate it (1.1 second cast). Afterward, you will be channeling another spell for 15 seconds until a Lightforged Beacon will appear allowing you to board the Vindicaar that's ready to travel to Argus for the very first time.
      • Prophet Velen: The Exodar has long been crippled by the crash that brought us to this world many years ago.
      • Prophet Velen: Every spare moment, every resource, has gone toward the birth of a new vessel. Our instrument of retribution.
      • Prophet Velen: The way is open. Come, children of Argus, allies, champions. The Vindicaar awaits!
    • Conversation upon boarding the Vindicaar:
      • Lothraxion: My brethren in the Army of the Light await our arrival. Only together will we achieve victory.
      • Prophet Velen: The Light will guide us to them. Romuul, begin final preparations and ensure our forces are accounted for. It is time.
      • Grand Artificer Romuul: Yes, Prophet. Right away.
    • Hand in the quest at Prophet Velen (35, 45 aboard the Vindicaar on Azuremyst Isle).

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  • Into the Night
    • Argus awaits, accept the quest from Prophet Velen to travel to Argus aboard the Vindicaar.
      • Prophet Velen: Let me know when you are ready to depart.
    • Talk to Prophet Velen and click on"I am ready." to travel to Argus.
    • A trailer will play shortly after you find yourself on Argus.
    • Conversation after you enter Argus aboard the Vindicaar
      • Illidan Stormrage: Their next blast will decimate us-- unless we strike first.
      • Prophet Velen: We must destroy the weapon while it is still recharging! Romuul, deploy a bunker below!
      • Grand Artificier Romuul: Bunker deployed, Prophet!
    • Turn in the quest at Prophet Velen and accept the next one.


  • Alone in the Abyss
    • Prophet Velen has another quest for you. Speak to Romuul to disembark the Vindicaar.
      • Prophet Velen: Romuul, send our vanguard to establish a front.
      • Grand Artificier Romuul: Activating transport array.
      • Prophet Velen: Champion, we will descend together once you are prepared.
      • Grand Artificier Romuul says: On your mark, champion.
    • Talk to Romuul and select the option: "Take me to the surface."
    • Conversation after you descend:
      • Illidan Stormrage: Come, let us show Sargeras' ilk what they have brought upon themselves.
      • Exodar Vindicator: Our home... what has it become?
      • Prophet Velen: Hold your ground! We must protect the Vindicaar with our lives!

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On Argus

Three new quests will become available simulatenously. Righteous Fury from Velen and Overwhelming Power from Illidan. Both can be found at 60, 79 in Krokuun (Argus). If you walk down the path, A Stranger's Plea can be picked up from Chieftain Hatuun at 58, 78. Should you decide to go back to the Vindicaar, you will find a portal at 63, 81 in Krokuun (Argus) that will take you back to the vessel.


Where Does the Quest Start for Argus for a Horde Legion

Source: https://www.icy-veins.com/forums/topic/32102-patch-73-how-to-get-to-argus/

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